Monday, October 27, 2014

A Healthy Fast Lunch for Less

The kids and I were running errands today when it got to be lunch time.

Eeeeek! Amma right?

It's always a grueling mental choice of "save money" vs. "poison my children."

I knew we could hit the drive through for $10 and that would feed all 5 of us.

So I decided to stop by our health food store to see what I could find there for under $10.

I hit the clearance rack and the sales. I'm proud to say I pulled a great haul for $9!

My conditions were that the food must be easy and clean to assemble and eat in the car.

I bought...

A loaf of organic bread $2.50
One bunch of fresh carrots $1.50
6 slices of organic cheese $2.50
One bag of Kettle Chips $1.99

We ate cheese sandwiches, chips and carrots.

I'm determined to make this our regular go-to option for quick meals on the run.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Waldorf play and the big boy work

Today the boys and I organized some of the play room toys so we could be sure the 4 year old and the 2 year old had plenty to play with while the big guys did school work. Playing is their school work! In the Waldorf method we encourage play that mimics adult home making, such as cooking, as well as play that ignites the imagination with natural woods, beeswax, wool, cotton and silk.

I love these wood animals. Worth every penny, lasted through 5 children so far! Here we have our three friends a horse, a reindeer and a bear. Nearby is the wooden rainbow stacker and in the background a basket of pinecones with a felted owl and a little pocket baby.
Our play kitchen is modeled after a wood burning stove. At the time we made it we lived in a home where we cooked on a wood burning stove. Next to it is our basket of play dishes both tin and wooden.
And some of the big boy work - the water cycle!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Beloved Ancestor Tree

October is a time to remember our beloved who have passed through the veil.

Here we have attached ribbons with their names to a stick to create a tree of rememberance.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Sweeter Halloween Series - Part 2 - Wholesome Activities

Little Sprite Boy enjoys a s'more around the campfire during our trip to the pumpkin patch!

Haunted houses, spokes, ghosts, seems nearly impossible to find wholesome things to do on Halloween. I've really been prompted to stay clear of such demonic influences for several years but this year I threw my hands up and said "I'm DONE!"

It all came about when I took my children to the opening day of the Spirit Halloween store. Their grandpa had just visited and gave each of them $20. I thought it would fun for them to start thinking about Halloween costumes and maybe buy some fun dress up things.

Boy howdy!

I could not BELIEVE what I saw in that store! Pretend dead babies with bleeding eye sockets. Little mechanical zombie girls with missing eyes, black stuff dripping from the eye sockets, that jump at you and yell for their mommy.

In short I was HORRIFIED and I think my children were scarred for life. Honestly, they still have nightmares.

It was beyond sick but was unfortunately not isolated to that store.

Imagine my surprise when I see facebook posts from one of my favorite family farms who were getting ready for their annual Halloween pumpkin patch by decorating with this zombie girl!

Wha? Seriously?

My home school group had a field trip planned to this farm. I decided my children and I would not be going to this pumpkin patch and I chose another farm, a little further away. This farm was more low key. They had a "Sleepy Hallow" theme and the scariest thing they had was a boy dressed as the headless horseman riding a real horse.

Most important about the headless horseman was there was no blood or gore. The horseman didn't frighten my children, they squealed with delight. It was just fake enough to not be terrifying and just real enough to cast a fun atmosphere.

This farm decorated with pumpkins and some white sheet ghosts only. No blood, no gore, no dead babies.

*sigh of relief*

My church holds an annual Halloween carnival and trunk or treat. 99% of the costumes, activities and trunks are not scary and are fun and playful however I'm not trilled with trick or treating in general so when someone in my local home school group decided to host an unHalloween party on Halloween night I jumped on the chance!

This party has a fairytale theme. We still get to dress up, have a costume parade but in addition there will be a sugar-free dessert contest, a soup potluck, a story telling time, karaoke, etc.

Wholesome. No candy, no guts, no blood, no gore.


So I encourage you to seek out a sweeter Halloween by minding what activities you choose to participate in. I encourage you to follow your promptings and pray about what your family will do in October and seek out the sweet! :)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Our Autumn Nature Table

Images of ancestors, fall books, flowers and leaves :)

Christopher Columbus Day is Coming Soon!

Christopher Columbus thought the Native people were the "best and gentlest people in the world."

"I ordered that everyone [the natives] be treated honorably because they are the best and gentlest people in the world..."
-Christopher Columbus

This is my blog. I try to keep it sweet, simple and inspirational. I try not the rant (too much lol) I want to present things to uplift so that you might be inspired in your home making, your home schooling and in your walk with the Lord.

It is on this note that I present a Columbus Day post. Columbus has become a very controversial character in history. Some adore him but it seems as if these days most people think he was anywhere from very bad to completely evil.

All the information and misinformation had me confused for years. First, I liked him, then I hated him. He's the perfect fall guy for the current social trend to hate all things Christian, white and male.

So who was he? Saint or sinner? Before I could present a Columbus day narrative to my children I HAD to know the truth, or as close to the truth as I could reasonably get.

So here it is. My best assessment of Christopher Columbus and I must say that where my research took me was not somewhere I expected to go.

I went into this project thinking, "OK, he was probably bad but was he that bad? You know, ear cutting, slave taking, cold blooded murderer that some pieces would make him out to be- bad?" and I ended up coming out at the other end of my research thrilled to have studied him!

I can honestly say he truly was a very brave, smart and faithful man. His journal logs were so inspiring that I've decided to make his entire log book mandatory reading for my boys as they come of age.

I would even venture to call him a "hero."

I know that's a bold statement in today's world. No doubt what happened AFTER Columbus was terrible for the Native peoples. As the Spanish came and eventually the migration to North America of the Europeans, millions of Natives lost their lives to European disease and slave labor.

Despite the fact that millions of Europeans found refuge in a New World and had their lives saved from religious prosecution and death in Europe, it cannot excuse what happened to the Natives of Central and North America and even though Columbus was not really the first to "discover" these areas nor did he personally exploit them (he died in poverty) others used Columbus' research and discoveries in an indefensible way.

Not all of those indefensible actions, however grave, can be laid upon the shoulders of a man who died only 14 years after he found this New World.

So let's get some of the "ugly" out in the open. Columbus is accused of horrible acts. He is accused of enslaving the native population onto farming plantations during his 3rd visit to the islands. Men, women and children died by the thousands during his reign as governor of this territory.

Did those thousands die of cruel treatment, or did they die of disease? Some most likely died of cruel treatment during his governorship and we know countless people lost their lives to European diseases. This is fact.

What is not fact however is how Columbus or his brothers, who were ruling with him, treated the natives. All of the negative accounts of Columbus' treatment of the natives comes from, or was gathered by, one man. Just one and he was not unbiased.

His name was Francisco de Bobadilla. Bobadilla was sent to check up on Columbus. After only a few days Bobadilla had Columbus and his brothers returned to Spain in chains without a chance to offer a defense.

Christopher wrote to a friend at court...

         "It is now seventeen years since I came to serve these princes with the Enterprise of the Indies. They made me pass eight of them in discussion, and at the end rejected it as a thing of jest. Nevertheless I persisted therein ... Over there I have placed under their sovereignty more land than there is in Africa and Europe, and more than 1,700 islands ... In seven years I, by the divine will, made that conquest. At a time when I was entitled to expect rewards and retirement, I was incontinently arrested and sent home loaded with chains ... The accusation was brought out of malice on the basis of charges made by civilians who had revolted and wished to take possession on the land ... I beg your graces, with the zeal of faithful Christians in whom their Highnesses have confidence, to read all my papers, and to consider how I, who came from so far to serve these princes ... now at the end of my days have been despoiled of my honor and my property without cause, wherein is neither justice nor mercy"

Once in Spain Columbus and his brothers went before the King's court and  they were acquitted of the charges. They were allowed to return to the islands but Columbus could not be governor any longer. Meanwhile Bobadilla had established himself as governor.

So, what are the facts here? Did Bobadilla have reason to arrest Columbus? Yes, he wanted Columbus' job and he got it! Did the King and Queen have reason to acquit Columbus yet not reinstall him as governor? What kind of verdict was that anyway -he was guilty enough not to be governor but too innocent for jail?

Seems odd.

But you see, under the Capitulation's of Santa Fe, the Spanish Crown owed Columbus 10% of the wealth found in the New World. So, of course when he asked for his retirement money, an old man with severe arthritis, they said "Nope, sorry, remember, we had to let you go."


Like an old time cop drama "He was just two weeks away from retirement!!!"

But why when reading this history do I give Columbus so much benefit of the doubt? Because I read his logs. Whether or not he acted perfectly in every situation after reading his logs upon his first discovery of the New World I can safely say I know what his intent was.

He wanted to convert them, not kill them.

You see Columbus was a deeply religious man who had two goals, spread his faith and get gold for the court who funded his trip.

"But maybe he was trying to convert them through force?" some might ponder.

Columbus wrote in his logs on October 12, 1492 "I know they [the natives] are people who can be made free and converted to our Holy Faith more by love than by force."

In his logs he was always looking for gold but he had nothing but love and honor for the native people.

He wrote, "They are very well-built people, with handsome bodies and fine faces." October 12, 1492

"They traded everything with goodwill, but it seems to me that they have very little and are poor in everything. I warned my men to take nothing from the people without giving something in exchange." October 12, 1492

Columbus gave strict orders to his men to treat the natives with the utmost respect. When they rowed ashore to an island and found that the villagers had fled their homes Columbus ordered his men not to touch or take anything from the Native's abandoned homes.

"I ordered that everyone [Natives] be treated honorably because they are the best and gentlest people in the world..."

"I gave them [Natives] glass beads, brass rings and hawks' bells, not because they asked for anything but because it seemed to me to be the right thing to do..." December 21, 1492

"...I do not believe there is a better people or a better country. They love their neighbors as themselves, and they have the softest and gentlest voices in the world and are always smiling." December 25, 1492

During his travel among the islands many of the native people told Columbus of some tribes on nearby islands that committed horrible murders, slaughters and were cannibals. They even showed him men from their tribe with chunks of flesh torn from their bodies and told Columbus it was the cannibals who had done it.

Columbus did not believe them and still attempted to visit all the islands and natives that he could on his travels, which to me means two things. First, that Columbus was very brave and second, that there may have been natives in the area that Columbus later had to defend himself against in a violent way.

Perhaps Columbus abandoned his faith and began slaughtering the Natives later in life? Not likely. Records from his son show us that Columbus, who already praised the Lord every few sentences in his early journals, only grew MORE devout and faithful in his advancing age.

Conclusion and citations...

The issue is this: we may never know the full truth of who exactly Columbus was and what role he played in the deaths of the native peoples of America but that is no reason to demonize Columbus. There are far more historical evidences of his virtues than of anything else.

I do invite you however to read Columbus' personal logs. You can find them in The Log of Christopher Columbus by Robert H Fuson, PhD (complied by the National Geographic Columbus Project 1986) from which I derived most of this information. After considering many Columbus resources I found this to be the one which would give the best historical accuracy. I also cited Samuel Eliot Morison, Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus p. 576.

Pumpkin Patch- at home !

Wee Baby Girl shows off her tiny little pumpkin from our pumpkin patch in our back yard! This was a dream come true for me to grow our own pumpkins this year!

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