Sunday, September 25, 2011

Healing by the Seaside

"And God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one 
place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so.  "

 We sang our way to the sea side, we sang our way to the shore. We went there seeking healing, we found this and so much more....

My youngest son has very sensitive lungs. The slightest cough can easily become a raging infection for him. We have to monitor him closely.

Recently a bug has been floating around our house. We have managed to keep it at bay but our little pie has caught one of his this time we decided to pack up for a holiday by the seaside.

As soon as we arrived beach side, the salt water air loosened the congestion to ease and help clear the babe's lungs.

"And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters."

The evening saw us walking through the sweet historic downtown of the sea side village. As if we had stepped into the Shire - Celtic music began drifting our way mingled with the smells of coffee and tea.

So we stopped in for some juice squeeze and a decaf latte. A live Celtic band was playing just behind us.

Like a slice of heaven....
This week I'm feeling thankful for...

The healing power of the fresh, salty air.

Sand, sea, waves, blue sky and white clouds.
Talented musicians who share their talent with the community.

Nap time.

Fresh hotel sheets and soft beds.

Sand between my toes.

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