Monday, August 23, 2010

Home School ABCs

A is for the individual attention you can give.

B is for them doing their best.

C is for the care you put into each lesson.

D is for the fun when you're done.

E is for their eager faces.

F is for the frustrating days that turn out fun in the end.

G is for the gladness it brings you.

H is for your home-based ways!

I is for the imagination.

J is for the joy of learning something new.

K is for the kindness you can express.

L is for the love of learning you instill.

M is for your super Mom-ness!

N is for the neat places you get to go.

O is for their future occupation, for which you have prepared them.

P is for the pride you show them minute by minute.

Q is for never having to take a "Quiz"

R is for reading happening every single day.

S is for the bully slander they're not hearing.

T is for the tuning up their brains get.

U is for the umbrella they never have to walk to school in the rain with.

V is for their victory when they graduate at whatever age they choose.

W is for the wisdom your family gains.

X is for the eXecellent job you do.

Y is for their youth not spent away from you.

Z is for the end zone!

Another year away from bullies, another year in a happy home, another year by your side, another year learning virtues instead of survival, another year of homeschool!

1 comment:

  1. Ayla, this is great! Good luck and much peace and blessings in your next school year!


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