Thursday, October 13, 2011

This is a Home

I don't know exactly how it all started but you know the feeling, that turvey topsy shifting and before you know it your cheeks flush hot, your heart pounds a bit more and you realize things have gotten totally out of control?

Due to some recent very shocking news (more on that in another post) my family has felt, well, off. Our routine is off, our feelings are off and our home is off.

What's more is that I've been so caught up, stuck on that feeling of day to day survival that I hadn't noticed how off we were.

That is until something so simple reminded me. My husband was on the phone with the Internet company trying to trouble shoot a problem. At some point in the conversation the man asked, "Is this a residence or a business?" Without skipping a beat my husband replied, "This is a home."

This is a home.

Yes, it is and some how, sometimes, we forget that. How can we forget that?

I'm just glad I had an opportunity to remember.....

Around the web today....I truly believe people should have the right to choose their own food, this story hit close to home. We all know being materialistic is a sad way to go through this beautiful, abundant life of ours and a new study shows that being materialistic also causes problems in marriage. Protecting young girls from exploitation in today's society is difficult and here's a grass roots organization to help.


  1. many wishes to you for a calming weekend....xoxox

  2. Funny how those little things can sometimes bring you right back to center--your family, your hearth, your home. Beautiful post.

  3. Thanks for your thoughts Bending and Ashley! :)


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